Earl and Jenn

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Changes Again

Sometimes I feel like a gypsy or something the amount of times that I have moved in the past five years. The job that we moved to California for (SVS), as you all know, ended in April. I was very sad to see it end but I was able to quickly find another job that paid the same. Also, Earl had just started with Western Exterminator and was also getting paid well at a job that he is good at. This seemed like the right thing to do for us both. Soon after starting this job I began to realize that it was definitely not the right job for me. I was not able to use the knowledge and skills that I had gained from my experience and did not feel like the organization had the same values that I held dear. At this time, I emailed my boss from SVS. She had originally warned me about taking this job because she could see the problems that I would soon realize. Anyway, She had been attempting to fill a Regional Director position for a few months but had been unsuccessful. I told her that I was interested and we set up a date to meet and talk about the possibility of me filling the position. Earl, even though I know he did not want to move again, was VERY supportive of me. I think he could see how stressed I was at my current job and how much I missed working at SVS. Well, in the end. I was offered the job with a considerable pay raise. I am now working in Visalia Monday-Thursday and from home in Sacramento on Fridays. SVS has really accommodated me in being able to make a smooth transition to Visalia. The plan for us now is for me to continue to commute back and forth until Earl can transfer with Western Exterminator. It is important that he stay with them as they too have been a great company.

It's interesting how much I love this job. You know I have heard some people think that I am snobby or proud because I have a job that has a prestigious title and I talk a lot about it. I have been thinking a lot about this recently. Did I really want this job because I love the job or do I love the power or prestige of the title? I can say without a doubt that I love the job. This job allows me to effect the lives of hundreds of people with disabilities daily. Each day I will be able to do things that will make their lives better in some small way. Once again, I am SOOOOO lucky to have a husband that stands by me no matter what. I only hope that someday I will be half as amazing as he is.


Mike & Britta Gast said...

sounds great. Glad to hear you found a job that you can really enjoy! love you guys -mike

Bill and Paula Gast said...

Thanks for the update. We are so proud of both of you. We hope that all goes well with your new job. Keep us posted.

Mom and Dad Gast

Jennifer said...

Hi guys!!! I just happened to stumble onto your blog. Jeremy and I (or just me I should say) have one also. Come visit our blog anytime. We will need to plan a get together soon, we miss you guys!!!